IOT-AB ‘s new sensor EYEO-CV (computer vision) for smartcity

IOT-AB ‘s new sensor EYEO-CV (computer vision) for smartcity

Computer Vision Specialist

The “smart city” needs smarter and also inexpensive sensors. The obvious use case of ‘IOT-AB’s vision detector’ is to count vehicles at any given location. The gathered data can be used in traffic engineering. For example for validating traffic models, learning about traffic composition by vehicle type or validating other counting methods. When computer vision is combined with IP or LoRaWAN connectivity, the AI software are running on a battery operated low-cost single board computer. This is the time to create a new set of smart-city applications that were not possible before. We can use computer vision for IoT task like: Count cars in movement.. Count pedestrians, or people in public places like museums.. Read registration plates for smarter parkinghouses Object detection Endless possibilities… Computer vision, doubtless, is a fantastic thing! Using this, a computer gains the capability to “see” and sensing better the environment around, what allows the development of complex, useful and cool applications.

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eport object to a server using LoRaWAN, GPRS or SigFox as communication. The Sensor can detect almost anything using a camera, teach the sensor what to look for, detect objects based on size, color, shape, letters and numbers.. The sensor comes with a built in object library covering 9000 ready defined objects ..